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Commissioner-Elect In The Community Before Term Begins

District 3 Community

Out of five Newton County Commission competitors making a beeline for the Nov. 3 political decision just one knows her destiny.

Alana Sanders is occupied with chipping away at needed tasks and getting connected with those in her area as she holds back to fill the District 3 seat on the Newton County Board of Commissioners beginning Jan. 1.

Sanders is a business and advertising University Professor whose fluctuated vocation has included work as a business educator for schools like Liberty and Kaplan colleges (Known as Purdue University); as a vocalist, health fitness professional, textbook author, and a broadcaster.

In her initially pursued position, Sanders defeated three-term officeholder Nancy Schulz in the June 9 Democratic essential political decision for the District 3 board seat representing the territory of north and western Newton County circumscribing Rockdale County.

She is unopposed in the Nov. 3 general political decision while two sitting officials face challengers in the election.

Sanders has appeared at some commission board meetings and county special events —, for example, groundbreakings for an expansion to the sheriff's office and another Oxford-territory fire station.

Newton County District Commissioners have taken some significant votes since her essential political triumph —, for example, endorsement of the 2021 area spending plan and expulsion of the Confederate sculpture from Covington Square.

In any case, she said she would not like to remark on those issues since she did not receive the official data presented to make a solid decision.

"To adequately remark on those things referenced, I would need to be aware of all subtleties that the board receives straightforwardly from the legal advisors or any gatherings required to give a sufficient response," Sanders said.

“I believe in dealing with the facts and concrete evidence along with being involved in their current executive board meeting (before) discussing why decisions were made,” she said.

Sanders has recently hosted projects for in the community such as a sequence of food distributions and school supplies giveaway to confront financial difficulties due to a limited extent to the COVID-19 pandemic.

She as of late composed a giveaway of free office hardware gave by significant public retailers like IKEA.

Sanders said she attempted to meet the same number of individuals as she could during her mission early this year.

“As a resident in District 3 for over 13 years and listening to the concerns of my neighbors there are many items the residents would like to see changed and improved in the community,” she said.

“I also mentioned these items during my campaign, in the candidates’ forum, and on all my social media networks.”

Her neighbors disclosed to her they needed more recreational activities and facilities or the youth and the elderly in the community.

“The nearest park is 20 minutes or more away from the area. In some areas of the district it is farther,” Sanders said.

She stated that she also wanted to work to attract businesses to the area “that cater to the needs of the community.”

“Many of the residents shop in neighboring cities outside of the county because they provide the resources,” Sanders said.

Sanders said the citizens of district 3 advised her during her mission to the commissioner’s seat they needed a library that included refreshed innovation “and is closer to the area.”

The district’s closest library is the Porter Memorial Branch Library miles south of the area on Ga. Hwy. 212.

“Almost similar to the park issue the library is not being utilized by our district as much because of the distance. We need a hub in our area,” she said.

The responsibilities of the Commissioner is fundamentally the same as numerous jobs I have held throughout the years as a pioneer" in her private existence with the main distinction being "the issues being talked discussed."

“If you look at the makeup of the board everyone comes from many walks of life before stepping into the position as a commissioner,” she said.

“The most important aspect is that your community believed in you enough to vote you in as their representative.”

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